Proper Roof Installation for a Worry Free Roofing Future

Roof Installation Classic Metal Roofing Systems of KY

Why is proper installation of your home’s roof so important?   Installation is an Overriding Factor in Roof Performance When it comes to the successful performance of a roofing system, proper installation is more important than anything else. But, when it comes to buying a metal roof, proper installation can be the hardest thing to find. […]


Measuring Quality? Check out our 1 Roof Warranty

1 Roof Warranty Classic Metal Roofing Systems of KY

Here is another peek into the things that contractors often do not understand about metal roofing. In this article, we will look at the critical topic of Warranties, and how they differ for product and workmanship quality.  Builder Grade Products or The Real Deal In the construction industry, there have often been two general levels […]


6 Key Components of a Quality Metal Roof

If you’re shopping for a metal roof, we have put together a list of six things to look for in any potential metal roofing product. Not all metal roofs offer these features, but we think you will agree that all six are very important. 1. Quality and tested finishes Available in many colors and even…


When Buying a New Roof, Take the Long View

Buying A New Roof Part 3 - Classic Metal Roofing Systems KY

Buying a new roof can be a financial journey. Taking the long view when making your purchasing decision protects your investment in your home, as well as offering protection for all your home contains. Let’s take a look at three things which could be on the horizon: On the Horizon: Home Value Most homeowners care…