Here you will find an assortment of excellent resources for helping you put together all the facts, solve your unique project problems, meet your design requirements, and ensure a complete roofing system that protects your home and all it contains, for a lifetime.
Our Manufacturing Process
Many of our customers like to know how it works so, in addition to the factory tour video, here is the story of how your Classic roof is manufactured.
Learn more about Our Manufacturing Process
Wind Resistant Roofing for Kentucky
Is there such thing as wind resistant roofing? Yes. Interlocking metal roofing panels are measured and tested for wind resistance, and our Classic roofing solutions bring proven protection of Kentucky homes and structures even in hurricane strength winds...
Learn more about Wind Resistant Roofing for Kentucky
Wondering what your neighbors are thinking? See what our clients are saying about Classic Metal Roofing Systems of Kentuckiana.
The Classic Limited Lifetime Roof Warranty
Classic Metal Roofing Systems of Kentuckiana is pleased to offer the industry’s most comprehensive roof warranty: a Lifetime Limited Warranty.
Learn more about The Classic Limited Lifetime Roof Warranty
Get the latest news and information on Metal Roofing from Classic Metal Roofing Systems of Kentuckiana.
Tools & Helpers
Roofing Needs Profiler
Before you have a roofing contractor come to your home, use this tool to help identify what grade of roofing and what types of materials could be best for your unique home and situation.
Use The Roofing Needs Profiler
This popular question and answer resource is a great place to get personalized answers to your specific questions. Go ahead, ask away.
The Homeowners Guide To Roofing
This is the definitive, downloadable guide to roofing, roofing materials, and roofing installation for homeowners. Keep it handy as you do your due diligence in buying a new roof.
Download the Homeowners Guide To Roofing
Metal Roofing Visualizer
Can’t picture it? Want to know exactly what that color or style will look like on your home? Use this tool and your smartphone to create a realistic picture of your home with a new metal roof, and try out some alternative colors. No graphic arts degree required. But if you need help, just ask.